Master Gardener Foundation of Yakima County
Board of Directors Meeting (Via Zoom)
August 29, 2024
Attendees – Board Members Dan Forer Rick Russell, Sheila Gunderson, Beatrice Reiss, Amber Knox, and Debra Kroon
Presenter: Gilbert Plascencia Meeting Called to order at 4:05 pm
Gilbert Plascencia presented document drafts – Updated Position Descriptions for all Boad member positions
All directors had been exposed to these documents in advance by email on August 11, 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to explain, correct and amend language in the draft documents to the satisfaction of the Board. After discussion, amendments and correction of the draft documents it was agreed that the changes would be made to the drafts by Gilbert. The corrected documents will be distributed to the membership at the September meeting. Gilbert will be available to explain the drafts and take questions at that time.
The Board is hopeful these updated position description documents will be voted on and approved by the general membership at the October membership meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 pm