Master Gardener Foundation of Yakima County > Contact us Contact Yakima County Master Gardeners Consent(Required) Help stamp out spam. The contact form will begin to appear once you check the box indicating you agree to the statement below. Thank you.How should we direct your message?(Required) Foundation Board Yakima County Program Coordinator Plant / Insect Dignostic Clinic Webmaster If you wish to contact our Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic, you may leave a message here. However, if you have images to submit, please use your email account to send to: Yakima Plant-Insect Clinic. include your name, city, and telephone number state your question concisely include the plant name, age, growing conditions, and symptoms, and include as much information about the plant as possible some questions are more complex than others and are better addressed in a discussion and with a sample of the plant. We may recommend you call or visit us during clinic hours. Thank you. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) PhoneCityAre you a Yakima County Master Gardener?(Required) Yes No Subject(Required)Comment or Question(Required) Postal address: MGFYCPO Box 10081Yakima, WA 98909