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Event Series Summer Garden Classes

Exhibiting At the Central Washington State Fair

Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WA

Back to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Exhibiting at the Central Washington State Fair.”  Lindy Sheehan, Master Gardener 2024 an experienced fair exhibitor. Learn what is involved in showcasing your fall bounty at the Central Washington State Fair.  You may have a favorite flower, a lovely planted container, a tremendous vegetable crop, or more.  Lindy will […]


Yakima Foundation Meeting

Agenda July Financial Report Minutes of previous meeting will be found in the column to the right.

Event Series Summer Garden Classes

Success With Orchids

Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WA

Back to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Phalaenopsis and Others/Orchids Part 2."  Mary Brunelle & Nancy Kallenberger, Orchid Society Members. This class will discuss watering, potting media and pots, fertilizers, pests, diseases, temperature and lighting


Yakima Foundation Meeting

Minutes of previous meeting will be found in the column to the right. Agenda Financials Draft Position Descriptions

Event Series Summer Garden Classes

Success With Natives

Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WA

Back to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Ann Autrey, Owner Tapteal Native Plants. Interested in learning more about how to be successful with native plant gardening?  This talk will give you lots of tips to plant, grow and manage your native plants.  We'll discuss best soil, watering schedules, and germination techniques.  Bring your questions and be […]

Event Series Summer Garden Classes

Rotating Crops * Cover Crops

West Valley Food Garden 602 South 123rd Ave., Yakima, WA

Back to Food Garden classes Melody Westmoreland, Yakima Master Gardener Crop rotation - why it’s important and how to make it simple. Cover crops - what are they, why consider them, and some different options.

Event Series Summer Garden Classes

Lawn Out, Flowers In

Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WA

Back to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Kelli Barton, Master Gardener 2022. Learn how perennials, biennials, shrubs, ground cover, herbs, and natives can relax and refresh you with a beautiful, low maintenance floral explosion.  Add a couple of birdbaths and yard art to delight


Yakima Foundation Meeting

Minutes of previous meeting will be found in the column to the right. Agenda Financial Reports

Fall Garden Symposium

PNWU 200 University Parkway, Yakima, WA, United States

Four amazing presentations, exhibitors, lunch and grand fellowship! Mark your calendar today to spend Saturday, October 26th with the Yakima Master Gardeners exploring how our gardening practices are bound to change as we go forward. and how we can adapt and thrive. Click here for details.