Archives Events
Transitioning to Natives: A Trio of Trials
Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WABack to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Debra Kroon, Yakima County Master Gardener 2003 Changing gardening practices isn't always easy or quick, even for Master Gardeners. Join us for a living storyboard about moving from one style of garden practices to a Heritage style.
Yakima Foundation Meeting
Agenda - - - - Financial Reports Minutes of previous meeting will be found in the column to the right.
Tomato Pruning * Plant Support * Knot Tying
West Valley Food Garden 602 South 123rd Ave., Yakima, WABack to Food Garden classes Many plants in your garden thrive with some support. Your indeterminate tomatoes tend to create a jungle in your garden if not controlled. Keeping your veggies off the ground will help save them from disease and pests, and make it easier for you to move through your garden and maintain […]
An Intro to Bees & The Washington Bee Atlas
Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WABack to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Dr. Karen Wright, Pollinator Taxonomist with the Washington State Department of Agriculture Learn about the many varieties of bees in our state and what we can do to document our bee population and their host plants.
Maintaining Food Resources
Heirloom Garden 1522 South 18th Ave., Yakima, WABack to Heirloom Garden classes
Yakima Foundation Meeting
Agenda - - - - - Financial Report Minutes of previous meetings will be found in the adjacent column.
Invasives New to Central Washington
Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WABack to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Sue Bird, Yakima Country Noxious Weed Control Board Officer. Never a gardener’s delight, weed eradication is a challenge. Learn about the new invasives as well as common invasives to Central Washington and how to deal with them.
Enjoying Your Harvest
West Valley Food Garden 602 South 123rd Ave., Yakima, WABack to Food Garden classes You prepared the soil, watered and tended that wonderful vegetable garden and now it is time to learn all you can about harvesting, storing, and preserving so you can enjoy all that goodness all winter. Please come join us for this helpful class.
Challenges of Gardening in the Yakima Valley
Demonstration Garden 1000 Ahtanum Road, Union Gap, WABack to Ahtanum Demo Garden classes Angela Galbreath, Master Gardener 2017 Even an experienced gardener must learn new gardening practices in our arid environment. Learn about some of the challenges recent transplants to our valley have experienced.
Organic Gardening Practices
Heirloom Garden 1522 South 18th Ave., Yakima, WABack to Heirloom Garden classes