President Dan Fortier brought the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.  39 participants were in attendance.

Sheila Gunderson made the announcement that parking passes are available for the Ahtanum Youth Park Activity Center and Demonstration Garden.

An inquiry was made and information given to participants that the Foundation/Program Meeting Agenda is available on the website for Master Gardeners to access for each meeting.

A motion was made by Sally Mayo to approve the December 11, 2024 Foundation/Program Minutes.  The motion was seconded by Beatrice Reiss.  Approved.

TREASURER REPORT by Gilbert Plasencia:

▪︎Gilbert provided hard copies of the Financial Statement to participants at this meeting.

▪︎There is $280,000 in Reserve Funds.

▪︎North Yakima Conservation District bills are paid and up to date through November 2024 with $2,600 for Utility Costs and $3,300 for Natural Gas.  This reflects 12 months activity.

▪︎A journal entry reflects a negative balance on equipment purchases of $6,800.

▪︎Year to Date total net profit is $41,000.

A motion was made by Debra Kroon to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Second by Sheila Gunderson.  Approved.

REVISED TREASURER POSITION reported by Gilbert Plascencia:

▪︎Includes an option for utilizing a Volunteer or Paid Bookkeeper.  It will be the responsibility of the Treasurer to provide oversight.

▪︎An inquiry was made if a Volunteer Bookkeeper would require bonding.  Gilbert advised that a new bookkeeper would be covered under our current Directors and Officers policy.

▪︎Foundation membership have the ability to review the amended Treasurer position description with a vote to be held on approving the changes at the February Foundation meeting.


▪︎Rhonda Gardenier is heading up this effort and advised that draft copies of the directory are available at this meeting.  Rhonda asked that MGs review their information for accuracy and make the corrections needed.

▪︎Directory photos:  If a photo is more than five years old then MGs are encouraged to take a new photo.  Steve Kuhn is taking photos for the Directory.  


AWARD LUNCHEON reported by Melody Westmoreland.

▪︎ Carol Barany and Melody will coordinate this celebration again this year to be held on February 26.

▪︎ 2 additional soup makers are needed.  Contact Melody or Carol.

▪︎Desserts are also needed.

OFFICER RECRUITMENT reported by Sheila Gunderson:

▪︎We are seeking volunteers or nominee for the VP and secretary positions.


▪︎Several nominations have been received to date.  Nominations remain open.

President Dan Fortier closed the Foundation portion of the meeting at 10:45 a.m.