Providing a solid foundation
At the local, county level within Washington State, our Foundation provides funding to increase the effectiveness and impact of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program.

Washington State University Extension
WSU administers the Extension Master Gardener Program, trains volunteers and provides the educational resources volunteers use to do community outreach throughout the state. Outreach to offer programs like plant clinics, demonstration gardens, and youth programs requires continual funding.
Our Master Gardener Foundation provides that funding.

The focus of Master Gardener Foundation of Yakima County is to provide financial and logistical support for the activities of the Master Gardener Program in Yakima County.
To that end, we conduct an annual Plant Sale to raise the bulk of the funding needed. We also host special workshops, lecture series, and other sales and events, which help support the Program.
Generous support from community members and organizations provides greatly needed assistance.

Your Master Gardeners are at work year-round to provide answers to your questions about gardening and environment. We do this through our Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinics, teaching, and writing.
We work with our area youth to give them positive experiences and information to help make them successful in their gardens and society.
To help meet the growing need for food security, we raise and donate food for local food banks, and in the Yakama Nation.