Plant Sale

Our Plant Sale is a Primary source of funding

Held every Spring, we have thousands of annuals, vegetables, perennials, herbs, hanging floral baskets, and garden art. — — — Master Gardener Greenhouses: 1522 South 18th Ave., Yakima

It’s time to mark your calendar! The 2025 Plant Sale will be May 2-3, 2025 (Friday & Saturday ONLY) from 8:00 to 4:00.

Important details about the Plant Sale…

Please know that the first morning of the sale, from opening until around 10 or 11 is a VERY busy and crowded time. We are doing everything we can to efficiently get folks through the line. We hope you can be patient! (While there may be a few varieties of unusual plants that are in limited supply, we have literally hundreds of excellent plants in all areas for you.)

We have a limited number of garden carts and boxes for you to use. If you can bring your own containers and a cart, you will be well prepared.

For the safety of you, your child, and others, we must ask that you do not bring strollers into the greenhouse shopping area. Our gravel floors and irregular surfaces are not conducive to many stroller wheels, and the crowded conditions can be very hard to navigate safely. And, unless your dog is a service animal, please let him or her enjoy staying at home.

WSU campus.


2025 Vegetable list

Those who buy vegetable starts at our annual plant sale might wonder, “Why did they select those particular varieties? Or often, “Why isn’t a certain tomato/cucumber variety available?”

The answer to the first question is philosophical. Whenever possible, we try to choose heirloom varieties. Heirloom vegetables are typically unavailable at the garden centers, big box stores and nurseries in our area. Many of these varieties have a rich and diverse history that can only be kept alive by growing them. These varieties are open-pollinated and will breed true if certain parameters are met. Saved seeds can be planted in your garden next year or donated to the Seed Library and keep the gene pool strong.


The answer to the second question comes from analyzing sales data from previous plant sales and asking our colleagues for feedback about the success, or failure, of the vegetables that they grew during the summer. Each year will be slightly different depending on what sells or how well a variety grew under Yakima Valley conditions.

White and red penstemon plants


Annual plants live their entire lives in our climate zone within ONE growing season. You will find that they are the most colorful as a group, providing beautiful splashes in your yard. Most of them require a sunny site in your garden or patio, with at least 6 hours of sun daily. They will want their soil to be keep moist, but not soaked. It’s best to let them dry almost completely before watering. Just don’t let them dry out completely! Use a moisture meter, or your finger to feel the dampness at the root level (about 3 to 5 inches for most.) Information on the pot labels will provide more details about your specific plant.

Assorted Succulents


Most perennials will survive nicely in your yard for years to come. They are generally quite cold-hardy, allowing them to live through our Yakima area winters. Many perennials display colorful flowers, interesting leaves of various shades of green, and attractive stems and branches year around. You won’t have to re-plant each season, and you will find these plants to be reliable features in your garden, especially if you provide just a little maintenance and pruning each year. Look to the labels for details, and feel free to ask our Master Gardeners for advice on making your selection.

… but Wait! There’s more!

You’ll find a selection of HERBS to fill out your Kitchen garden. And we have prepared nearly 200 beautiful HANGING BASKETS, each one filled with a colorful variety of plants. Our “MIRTH IN THE GARDEN” department is chock full of fun and interesting yard art to add interest to your gardens. It has all been made from recycled material.

Assorted Succulents

Caring for your plants

People often ask whether they should keep their plants in the house until they’re ready to plant them.

If you purchased perennials, the answer is probably no. The sooner the plants are in the ground, the sooner they can establish a substantial root system. But, if you encounter severe weather warnings or frost warnings before you plant your perennials, cover your plants or take them into a protected area under a porch or into an unheated garage to protect their vulnerable roots from freezing.

We have kept our vegetables in our hoop house for the week or two before the sale. So they have had some hardening. If there is a danger of frost soon, you should keep them protected until frost season is over.

If you purchase annuals, or hanging baskets, these plants are very susceptible to frost damage and should not be planted until all danger of frost is passed and the soil has warmed to the temperature most suited for the variety you are plant

Assorted Succulents