Program Coordinator Updates

Patty congratulated the 2024 interns on doing a great job.  She also commented on their many different learning styles.  She thanked Julie H. for tracking their progress throughout the year and keeping both Patty and the mentors updated as to their status’.

To begin 2025 there are 116 credentialed MGs including both active and emeritus.  Twenty interns are anticipated to begin training in the fall.  

Patty referenced the letter she put in the most recent newsletter with regards to the upcoming changes to the basic training.  There will be an option for a Horticulture Certificate in lieu of credentialing as a Master Gardener.  The training has been updated and the process changed to accommodate people who work days and still want to complete the training, recent challenges in securing speakers for the classes, and to address comments that trainees do not feel prepared even after they have completed their basic training.

The new class will begin Fall 2025, which will coincide with the release of both the new curriculum and the new textbook.  There will be a requirement for lab time in addition to the classes and on-line course.  The new trainees will be interacting with already credentialed master gardeners at the orientation, the welcome luncheon, the social events and the in-person interviews.  Additionally, they will be completing their required volunteer hours throughout the year which will provide time with the group.  There will be a weekly live online chat for Q&A for the trainees.  

Existing MGs can complete the new online course for 50% of the cost for volunteers.  WSU will continue to help defray some of the cost of training for new volunteers.  Those seeking the Horticulture Certificate will pay the full cost of the program.

There was a lot of discussion and questions about the new training.  Patty asked that people take the time to read her letter in the newsletter and then send additional questions to her via email.  She also asked that, if there are changes that anyone feels might improve the process, those suggestions also be emailed to her.  

Patty stated the need for a couple of volunteers to take minutes at the Program Meetings.  Melody took them this month.  Michelle Murphy volunteered to help by alternating with Melody for the time being.  If you are interested in helping please contact Patty directly.

There was an explanation about the recent dissolution of the Benton-Franklin County Foundation.  It was noted the Master Gardener Program will continue there.  A copy of the letter that went out from Tana Hassert, WSMGF President, about the situation as well as the article appearing in the local newspaper were available for those that wanted to read them.  

Give Pulse – Julie Hunziker

Julie commented on the flurry of activity at the end of 2024 to get hours entered into the system.  A deadline of January 6th was imposed as the last opportunity to input hours from last year.  Julie provided a demonstration about how to edit an entry in GP.  She spoke about some of the questions regarding where/how to record certain hours.  Art team involvement should be recorded as Program Support NOT Greenhouse hours.  The Arboretum Tree Project should be recorded as Other Educational Delivery.  As she has previously reported, GP has been streamlined and made more user friendly.  

She completed and sent Patty a spreadsheet with all intern hours.  

There was a question as to how to record hours spent in planning meetings.  These should go under the “Supportive Teams & Meetings” category.

Social Media – Kelly Klingman

The Facebook page is up and running and getting good hits.  A reminder that the Master Gardener FB page is public facing and all entries must go through Kelly for posting.  Entries that might be better suited to internal posting only can go on the “Behind the Scenes” MG page.  She also made a request to send photos for posting to her for consideration and inclusion.  

Photo Library – no report

Writer’s Guild & Speakers Bureau – Carol Barany

Speakers Bureau has entered into a collaboration with the Public Library system and are providing live events at area library branches.  She is currently working on the schedule for February and March with a plan for two per month, each typically lasting from 3-4PM.

The Writer’s Guild is always looking for new content, fresh new topics, and new contributors.  The team will help you if you have a great idea but are hesitant to use your writing skills.  Anyone going to the Flower Show in February could write an article about a particularly good speaker or experience they had there.  

Clinic – Kim Foster (no report)

Youth Team – Kelly Klingman

There was one STEAM night presentation in December at Franklin Middle School.  There will be a meeting Saturday, January 18th, at 1000 at Kelly’s home to discuss and design a plan for Arbor Fest in April.  Any who would like to attend please contact her directly for details.

Diana Pieti did a presentation on succulents at a Selah school.  

Garden Classes – Multiple

Sally Mayo stated the 2025 schedule for the Heirloom Garden classes is finalized with four classes to be offered.  Sally also stated that Reggie Sanderson and Sarah Judd will be joining her as co-leads for this garden.

Annette Olson stated that she and Sue Schauer will be coordinating the Demonstration Garden classes this year.  Kelli Barton and Diana Pieti will have Demo Garden classes in June in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary celebration.

The meeting ended at 1130.  One hour total for both Foundation & Program meetings to be recorded for GP.